Technology Used To Develop The Software For FIFA World Cup 2010

World’s most popular and most viewed game ever is Soccer. FIFA World Cup 2010 complete software is developed by Mahindra Satyam an Indian company. Mahindra Satyam is the official information technology service provider for the FIFA World Cup Soccer and has developed the event management solutions with some complex software for one of the most watched sporting events in the world. FIFA has been viewed by 30 billion people worldwide.

Mahindra Satyam used Microsoft’s .Net technology to develop the software for FIFA World Cup 2010. FIFA reached to finals today [11th July 2010] and till now there are no bugs in the project. Nearly 150 software professionals around the world worked hard for 1 million hours on this. They have also got a chance to work for FIFA World Cup 2014.

Here are some statistics from Mahindra Satyam :
  • Delivering cutting edge IT services for one of the greatest games on the planet.
  • Enabling 3.14 million purchasable tickets for 64 games.
  • Managing 250,000 accreditations for FIFA.
  • Enabling telecasting of 2010 FIFA World Cup matches to 214 countries across 317 channels.
  • Tracking $1 billion assets for the 2010 FIFA World Cup.
  • Managing deployment of 130,000 volunteers at FIFA.
  • Seamlessly integrating IT systems for FIFA.
  • Developing Extranet services for 2010 FIFA World Cup.
  • Delivering traditional IT services solutions in a non-traditional environment.
This is all how efficiently we can work with Microsoft’s .Net 

For any information please check - Official Site

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